Moneyworks Gold – Standalone and Client

Moneyworks Gold – Standalone and Client is the main software to use as a standalone as well as a client to both Moneyworks Datacentre and Moneyworks NOW. What is this Moneyworks GOLD about? Abstract directly from Moneyworks developer website:
MoneyWorks® Gold
Need all the bells and whistles? MoneyWorks Gold has all the features of MoneyWorks Express plus cost centre accounting, multi currency, job costing, advanced inventory management and much more – all in one place and all fully integrated.
To add networked access, see MoneyWorks Datacentre server.
Just $ 985.00, or subscribe from $ 42.90/month

Powerful inventory
Core accounting
Integrated cashbook, general ledger, receivables and payables.
Departmental accounting
Powerful subledger capabilities, allowing departmental/cost centre reporting and budgeting.
Send and receive invoices or payments in any currency.
Order entry
Enter quotes, sales orders and purchase orders and manage deposits, backorders and shipping.
Fixed Assets
Record fixed assets and track and report on depreciation.

Better information
Enhanced items/products
Store product images and barcodes, manage multiple pricing and discounts.
Inventory and bills of material
Manage inventory and manufacturing. Track serial and/or batch numbers across multiple warehouse locations.
Job costing and time billing
Automatically collate time and disbursements for billing.
Custom report writer
Customise any of the supplied reports, or create your own.

Putting it all together
Advanced security
Per-user privileges and general ledger security levels protect your vital accounting data.
Customise MoneyWorks or add your own features using the built-in scripting and window design system.
Enhanced integration
Integrate MoneyWorks with other key systems for streamlined workflow and greater productivity.
Extend the functionality of MoneyWorks to meet your special requirements.
Features common to all MoneyWorks products
All MoneyWorks product are built on a powerful, framework that includes the following:
Record payments and receipts and automatically track the GST.
General Ledger
Maintains details of your accounts for over 7 years.
Powerful on-screen enquiries
Easily view balances and trends for accounts, customer or item sales.
Flexible reporting
A library of over seventy standard reports.
Names database and contact management
Store customer and supplier names, addresses, phone numbers, email & web addresses.
Item pricing
Enter sales and purchases using account coding or item lookup with quantities and discounts.
GST tracking
MoneyWorks provides the best possible support for GST.
Sticky notes
All the better to remember you by.
Full budgeting for better control and decision making.
Multiple entities
Keep accounts for as many entities as you need.
Import/export & interoperability
Ensure interoperability with the other systems your business relies on.
Record information and prepare invoices/reports in almost any language.
Moneyworks GOLD is essentially the main core features and used as a client to Moneyworks Datacentre and Moneyworks NOW. So what is Moneyworks Datacentre and Moneyworks NOW?
Moneyworks Datacentre is the main core to multi-user environment, allowing Moneyworks to be shared among more than 1 users.
Moneyworks NOW is the same as Moneyworks Datacentre, however it is subscription model and hosted on Microsoft Azure Datacentre.
Of course Moneyworks Datacentre and Moneywroks NOW can do more than that including:
- Concurrent multi-user access
- Optimised networking
- Live access from mobile devices
- Server based, for easy management
- Accessible through the cloud Private
- Cloud (Private or Public hosted)
- Enhanced security and backups
- Advanced APIs for system integration
Please feel free to contact us for more information or ask for a free demo!