Wholesale, Retail and F&B Accounting
Wholesale, Retail and F&B Accounting
Wholesale, retail and F&B accounting is typically useful for multi-channel distribution business. One typical example is an alcohol distributor who does import/export, sells wholesale to other retail outlets, setup his own retail outsets or online sales channel and also F&B outlets for the convenience of people who just want to hang out.
So for a management point of view, what kind of reports do management wants to see?
- Profit/Loss for business units namely Wholesale, F&B, Retail and Online
- Profit/Loss for various outlets or sales team
You may think this is an ERP solution that can have such functionalities. Answer is no. Moneyworks GOLD has the features and standard reports to do just all these. Cost of the software is below S$900 (SGD895 exclusive of GST) which is amazing affordable. Let me leave it to the next blog to talk about Moneyworks being the cheapest or most affordable (if you don’t like the word “cheap”) on-premise software for SMEs comparing all the features available.
Let us dive straight into a youtube video which I have prepared below:
This is not a complicated process as you have seen. We are merely using standard features of classifications and departments to link up to the chart of accounts. All it takes is the effort to tag your transactions with relevant departments during your entries, you will be able to get practical reports as above.
This is another attempt to keep your accounting solutions simple, affordable and practical by using the right tool or software which does not cost you an arm and a leg.
Do feel free to download Moneyworks GOLD Win or Mac version to try out. Alternatively you can contact our friendly sales team to arrange for a friendly demo sessions to understand more.
William Tan
+65 6589 8878 Ext 7001
Email: websales@amcpro.asia