Comparing ABSS / MYOB vs Moneyworks

Comparing ABSS / MYOB vs Moneyworks

Comparing ABSS / MYOB vs Moneyworks is not a difficult task.However it is important to compare and contrast both software to give your purchase a great value. Both MYOB and MoneyWorks belongs to the category of on-premise accounting solution with many similarities for sales, purchasing, operations, inventory and accounting for small businesses.

While MYOB has almost dominated the on-premise accounting software solutions among the SMEs, let us take some time to compare MYOB to MoneyWorks.

You may ask why MoneyWorks? Both MYOB and MoneyWorks has great feature similarities in which both run on flat single file without database application (like SQL), and both sells in the price range of around S$1,000 for 1 user (MYOB Premier 1 User sells at S$1,297.20 and MoneyWorks GOLD sells for S$895) and less than S$3,000 for 3 users (MYOB Premier 3 User sells at S$2,119.63 and Moneyworks Datacentre sells for S$2,995).

However, our comparison here is based on the differences between both MYOB and MoneyWorks, so we will not touch on individual functionality for now.

Here is the table of comparison of difference:

We will not conclude which software is better based on this comparison difference, however, we can do some simple summary for each solution:

You will prefer MYOB because:

  1. Common software, easier to get help via employment or outsource
  2. Fixed software without much customisation and lesser functionality
  3. Suitable for older generation workers so is easier to learn

You will prefer MoneyWorks if:

  1. Need more functions and flexibility
  2. Users both Mac or Windows within the company
  3. Need to access remotely
  4. Needs integration (now or future) to third party applications like e-commerce, warehousing and even POS which allows integration

Want to know more? Do feel free to contact us!

William Tan
Advanced Micro Control Pte Ltd
tel: +65 65898878

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